Argumenta – Journal of Analytic Philosophy

Maurizio Balistreri


Maurizio Balistreri is an Associate Professor in Moral Philosophy at the Department of Linguistics and Literary, Historical, Philosophical and Legal Studies (DISTU), Tuscia University (Viterbo). His research areas include bioethics, ethics of robots and artificial intelligence, and applied ethics. His recent books include Il bambino migliore? Che cosa significa essere genitori responsabili al tempo del genome editing (Fandango 2022), Superumani: etica e potenziamento (Espress 2011, 2020), Il futuro della riproduzione umana (Fandango 2016), and Sex robot. L’amore al tempo delle macchine (Fandango 2018; Malpaso 2021; Trivent 2022). He is one of the authors of Biotecnologie. Modificazioni genetiche (Mulino 2020) and contributed to the Dictionary of Bioethics edited by Eugenio Lecaldano (Laterza 2002).