Argumenta – Journal of Analytic Philosophy

Argumenta Issue 03

November 2016 • 10 articles



In opening the second volume of Argumenta I am particularly pleased to report that the number of submissions to the journal is slowly but constantly increasing. I take this as the highest reward for all the work that the Editorial Board—especially the editorial assistants—and the colleagues who have generously acted as referees have been doing since the launch of the journal.

This issue includes the papers that over the last six months have been sent to the journal by scholars working in the analytic tradition all over the world, together with the papers sent by distinguished philosophers, who wanted thereby to express their personal acknowledgement of the official organ of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy. I heartily thank them all. All the papers have passed the double blind refereeing process.

In the editorial written for the previous issue of Argumenta I focused, among other things, on Hilary Putnam’s death, which occurred last 13th March. In such cases, it is customary practice for journals to publish obituaries of a certain length, highlighting the importance of a given author for a specific field of study. In this issue the Editorial Board decided to do things slightly differently. Thanks to Gary Ebbs—one of the most acute exegetes of Putnam’s thought—we are publishing a brief memorial of the great Harvard philosopher concentrating on one central element: his original view of the methods of inquiry in science and everyday life.

As usual, all the articles appearing in Argumenta are freely accessible and freely downloadable.

Buona lettura!

Massimo Dell’Utri


