Argumenta – Journal of Analytic Philosophy


New Trends in Philosophy of Mind and Epistemology: An Overview [Special Issue]

Issue: Issue 02 • Author/s: Maria Cristina Amoretti, Francesca Ervas
Topics: Introduction

The seven papers included in this special issue of Argumenta might be ideally divided into two parts. On the one hand, this issue collects four contributions dealing with some important topics in Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of language: the modularity of mind (the connections between the “pragmatic” module and epistemic vigilance mechanisms), the problem of perception and its link with action (the alleged anti-representational character of enactivism), the nature of phenomenal content (the plausibility of naïve realism in explaining the phenomenology of veridical visual experience), and the alleged irreducibility…

One Hundred Years of Donald Davidson. Introduction [Special Issue]

Issue: Issue 05 • Author/s: Maria Cristina Amoretti, Mario De Caro, Francesca Ervas
Topics: Introduction

Donald Davidson (1917-2003) is one of the few contemporary philosophers of the analytic tradition who offered significant contentious contributions to many different areas of philosophy while preserving a semi-systematic character in his writings. His output was huge, ranging from decision theory to philosophy of  language, from metaphysics to philosophy of action, from philosophy of mind to epistemology.